all postcodes in M50 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M50 1AY 11 53.483601 -2.32252
M50 1BA 2 53.483375 -2.319217
M50 1BX 3 53.481356 -2.311472
M50 1DA 1 53.482448 -2.316785
M50 1DG 12 53.477379 -2.306396
M50 1DL 3 53.477535 -2.311444
M50 1DN 1 53.48183 -2.305765
M50 1DS 7 53.477689 -2.307754
M50 1DT 3 53.478671 -2.306872
M50 1DU 6 53.481001 -2.306407
M50 1DX 0 53.481663 -2.307135
M50 1EB 0 53.481573 -2.307617
M50 1EP 3 53.482589 -2.311045
M50 1EW 9 53.48186 -2.311462
M50 1FB 2 53.482024 -2.307002
M50 1GU 1 53.480084 -2.306612
M50 1RE 8 53.482575 -2.322813
M50 1SW 1 53.482498 -2.314872
M50 1UU 2 53.476126 -2.307517
M50 1WH 0 53.484812 -2.309961